Each of us at various times of our lives are overwhelmed by misfortunes, plagued by troubles, both physically and emotionally. What happens when we are besieged with a crisis of the Spiritual Nature? How do we handle those moments where the dreaded doubts of faith creep into our lives or can we handle them? Each of us has at one point in time questioned their beliefs, and for the most part I think this is healthy and should not always be considered as something negative to befall us. It is healthy to question, to evaluate ones beliefs. Beliefs that are not churned once in a while tend to become stagnant. Whereas a person who is constantly questioning, seeking answers, reevaluating their position, beliefs, truths, is constant growing, even though it does appear to themselves that they are on a standstill path. When you look upon your progress, look at it in terms of where you were, and where you are presently, it isn't important to look at where you think you need to be, or how you get from point A to point B, it is important to evaluate where you were when you begin, and see where you are now, look for the growth in that time period. By looking at where you think you should be, and becoming frustrated, thinking of throwing in the towel, you are encouraging the negativity that you are feeling around you that is causing these times of doubt, it feeds on this grows out of proportion, and it then will cause you to stray from your present course, create the obstacles that are in your way, and cause the crises of spirit to happen within you. Always accentuate the positive in any situation you may find yourself in, I understand that is hard to do, instead of thinking, “Why didn't I get that,” or, “I can't do this,” think, “But I can and I will.” I do believe that positive affirmations, no matter what your path is, or your beliefs are, are crucial to becoming an enlightened being. They work because they help condition your thoughts, provide guidance and encouragement. Remember no matter what you are faced with, or how deep a hole you feel you have fallen into, to look at what is good, look for the light that does shine upon you, even in your most dark hours.
Joyce Chandler