So many people who are involved in Light-work, are being faced with insurmountable obstacles, one can't help but wonder if this is a period of testing for each light-worker, to see how firmly they are on their present course or to test their passion for what they believe. Over and over again, for almost the last year or so, Light-workers have been feeling blocked, in a fog, or that they were bombarded by negative forces trying to stop them dead in their tracks. Feelings of a heaviness around them, constant obstacles, facing illnesses, financial troubles, all pull one from the business of spirit. There is a great deal of negativity flowing around, as more and more people are individually and collectively evolving so too are the negative forces, that wish to darken the hearts and minds and spirits of each of us, and to cloud those people who are struggling and those who have not even begun their spiritual development. Frustration at feeling helpless in this period of time, is a constant complaint from many, Yet one must look at this period with a sense that each of us who are experiencing these common complaints are on the right path to achieve our life's purpose and growth. If we were not, these obstacles and blocks just would not be appearing and surrounding us. So in many cases one must look at it in terms that we are continuing to expand and grow, the more the growth the more the attacks, setbacks to try and make one stumble, to try and get you to give up. Which will allow those negative forces to win. How one deals with these periods of fog or blocks can be again a tool in spiritual growth and personal development. It is these periods, where your greatest growth occurs, although you may not see it, it is happening even the bad that befalls you, is at times in ones' highest good. I tend to think of that as a reality check. Now I know there will be some people who will say, "Joyce, that just isn't possible" , there is nothing positive about negative occurrences. Some will disagree with me, with all their heart and spirit. But if we will look at each thing that happens to us, in terms, that it isn't what happens as much as what we do to overcome each obstacle that is in our path, we can see that growth involves at times painful and often distressing moments. If we look at the situation, trying to evaluate it in terms of what we might gain, not in what is lost, things can be changed. My point here is simple, that in times were you feel abandon, that you question your life's path, when periods of fog, or blocks seem to be keeping you at bay, it can be those times, where you can and will shine brighter. For the most part it isn't outside forces or the Universe kicking you, it is just you. It is one's self doubts, one's apathy that keeps one in a standstill period. Sometimes, it is nothing more than a time to be quiet within yourself. In seeing where you have been to take stock of your own personal and spiritual growth. It also a time to see what is lacking or where you need to be going. Many times people are so eager to grow that they tend to put more emphasis on trying to develop that they forget to live. Our purpose here is to live and to live life to it's fullest. Simply put, "It is time to stop and smell the roses". To see the beauty that life has to hold. Life lessons are not meant to be all we are meant to do here. Learning is an important part of our presence here, but if we can not put into action what we have learned, then we have learned nothing. I would like to convey to you a short little story; not long ago I went to a shopping facility, as I was walking into the store I spotted a man, who was what many would consider a bum, he was dirty, wore ragged clothing and sitting to the side of the door to the market, many passed him by and ignored his pleas for change, I must admit here, I did as well, thinking it would not solve his problems, and he would probably just buy alcohol with it. I was prejudging this man, I didn't know him and it wasn't my intention too. As I was doing my shopping this man was constantly in my thoughts, Why did he bother me so..and why couldn't I get him out of my head. For years and years, I had professed my love of humanity and I had turned my back on this raggey man.. Upon leaving the store, I went out the other door, to avoid him and to my amazement, there he was, sitting at this door, I could not pass him by again, it was not something meant for me to do. So I walked up to this man, asked his name, I reached into my pockets and pulled out several bills I had left over from shopping, gave it to him with love. He looked at me with an expression I had not expected, a gleam in his eye with a bless you on his lips. I turned and walked away, took a few steps away from him, turned around and he was gone! I could not believe my eyes he was no where to be found. You might ask me why I am telling you this story, one it is true, a part of me, I was not pleased with, but more importantly to convey to you a lesson. I do not know who that man was, but I know he was here to see if I had learned my lesson of unconditional love. I can sit here and write on love, healing, and etc. but if I could not practice those valuable lessons of development and enrichment I have learned nothing. If you feel you are running on empty in your development, are you practicing what lessons you have learned? Are you so consumed with learning, evolving and growing that you are only taking in and not returning thus blocking the flow of energy exchanges. Fogs, blocks occur for many reasons all involving time to stop, look and listen. It is a time where we all are tested, either by direct means, as my little story to you, or by other means. Are we passing those life lessons tests? Can we realize them when we are confronted by them? My hope is we can and do. May each of us, look a little more closer and listen a little clearer to ourselves and our inner consciousness. May we find we are not running on empty but that we are totally filled with the light of love and the light of compassion.
Joyce Chandler