This may seem at first to not belong in this series, but as you will see, it does. If we had a time machine, and could go far enough into the past, we would see the earth as a very inhospitable place. Volcanoes and rivers of molten lava. And an unbreathable atmosphere. Eventually the planet cooled enough to support life, but the atmosphere was still unbreathable. So some early plant life evolved and thrived. It also produced as a by product of its metabolism, a gas that was poisonous to it. This poison gas was oxygen. Those early plants were replaced by others that could tolerate the oxygen and early, simple animal life appeared.
About 550 million years ago, the land masses were contained in three continents, Angara, Gondwanaland and Euroamerica. Eventually, these land masses came together to form a single continent that has been named Pangea. Eventually, about 220 million years ago, Pangea broke up. And by now, dinosaurs roamed the land and seas.
About 210 million years ago, the first mammals appeared. They looked much like a modern day shrew. Earth was evolving. Some scientists believe that the early mammals may have helped to keep the dinosaur population in check by eating their eggs. About 125 million years ago, the first placental mammals (humans are placental mammals) appeared. Of course, plant life was also changing and evolving. Mother Nature, the Earth Spirit, Gaia, call it what you will, was constantly modifying life on Earth, adapting it so that its needs were met by what was being furnished. About 65 million years ago, a massive kill-off occurred, and all of the larger dinosaurs and much of the plant species were wiped out. Some of the smaller dinosaurs evolved into the birds of today.
With the destruction of the dinosaurs, the mammals took over and multiplied and evolved into many different forms.
About 7 million years ago, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, an early proto human appeared. As the slow millennia crept by, they were replaced by first one and then another species until eventually modern man, Homo sapiens sapiens, modern man, appeared on the scene. And therein began a problem.
Early modern man tended to live somewhat in harmony with his environment, but not necessarily with his neighbors. It has been said that there has not been a time since history has been recorded that there has not been a war of some size going on. It might have been only two neighboring tribes fighting over hunting and gathering rights or living space. As time passed, man’s wars became larger and more destructive. And wars create a lot of negative energies. Negative energies cling to the environment and the planet.
Wars would have been bad enough in themselves, but man developed technology, primarily in order to develop better, more efficient ways to kill his enemies. There have been many positive spinoffs from the development of technology, and in a great many ways we do live much better because of it. But consider this, the Egyptians made their swords out of bronze. Then someone discovered how to refine iron easily enough and began making swords out of iron. An iron sword would cut through a bronze sword. So iron replaced bronze. As a positive spinoff, they did start making plowshares out of iron. Then someone discovered that some carbon (charcoal) mixed with the iron would turn it into steel. And steel made better swords than iron. It also made better plowshares.
Then the Chinese invented gunpowder. At first it was only used in rockets, until someone discovered that if you put some of it in a tube that was closed at one end, and then placed a ball in the tube, and then ignited the gunpowder, the ball became a projectile that could kill. The gun was invented. Now although it is true that the gun has been used for hunting to furnish food, it was developed for war.
All of this gave man the incentive to search for more, and to gain more control over his environment. He cut down or burned the forests, tore up the land and polluted the lakes, rivers and ocean. He has even polluted the very air that he has to breathe.
Not only has all of this created more and more negative energies, it has also damaged the very planet upon which we live. And the planet has begun to fight back. As little as fifty years ago, you rarely heard of an earthquake, now they have become fairly common. Volcanoes which had lain dormant for centuries have started erupting again. Hurricanes have become more frequent and of greater intensity. You rarely heard of a tidal wave, that is what they called tsunamis back then. Mountain glaciers are melting, in some cases flooding villages in valleys below them. The polar icecaps are melting, raising the sea level. Some inhabited islands have all but disappeared beneath the waves. The planet has only just begun to fight back.
Many psychics have made predictions of coming events. Some have channeled messages from high spiritual beings. It is far beyond the scope of this document to list them all, but I will list a few here. I make no pretense that these are my predictions.
Ocean levels will rise, inundating coastal regions, for instance the south eastern areas of the United States will disappear beneath the waves.
Some land masses will increase in size, such as Australia and New Zealand.
Volcanic activity will increase.
Earthquakes will become more frequent and more destructive.
The Earth’s magnetic field will do a flip-flop, that is the north magnetic pole will become the south magnetic pole and vice versa. Many agree that this will happen in 2012. This is referred to as the shift.
Pole locations will shift, the south pole will be located in the extreme southern part of South America instead of Antarctica.
Parts of Lemuria will resurface in the Pacific and parts of Atlantis will resurface in the Atlantic.
Weather patterns will change all over the planet. Fierce storms will batter the planet during the time of the shift.
There will be a tremendous loss of life.
These are only a few of the more dire predictions. On the positive side, after the shift, the overall level of spiritual awareness will be higher, diseases such as AIDS and HIV will disappear, wars will become infrequent and much smaller. Crime will drop. People will tend to live in harmony with each other and the planet.
For more reading on this subject, I can recommend two books. The World to Come by Ruth Montgomery and Phoenix Rising by Mary Summer Rain.
Joyce Chandler