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Joyce Chandler

Energy 101

Energy. It is all around us. It’s everywhere. Although there are many types of energy, we can say that there are only two classifications of energy. Physical energy you are well acquainted with. Such energies as sound, light, heat, etc. you encounter constantly and have the physical senses to detect them

Spiritual energy is also around you all of the time, you constantly encounter and use it all of the time. You also have the senses to detect it even if you are not aware of it yet. Some few people are aware of it from early childhood, while others may not be aware of it at all. But even if you are not presently aware of it, the abilities to become aware of it and use it are innate within you and can be developed. We will show you how in this lesson.

Try this. Rub your hands briskly together for a few seconds. Now hold them about 18 inches (about 45 CM) apart. Now slooowly bring them together. Before they come completely together, you should feel something. It may be a sensation of warmth, or coolness, or slight pressure, or something else. But you should feel something. Move them slightly further apart and you should notice the sensation diminish. As you bring them back closer together, the sensation should increase again. You are feeling spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy flows through us constantly, it is what keeps us alive. A normal exit point for that energy is through the palms of the hands, but the constant use of our hands tends to “tangle” the energy in our hands and thus blocks the normal flow. By rubbing your hands briskly together, you cleared away the blockage and allowed the energy to flow freely. And it was that energy flow that you felt.

Other than keeping us alive, what use are these energies? That depends on what type of energy it is. Just as there are different types of energy on the physical plane, so are there on the spiritual plane. That is why I could not tell you exactly what you would feel in the exercise that I described above, I did not know which energy that you would be channeling.

Spiritual energy can be used for many things, healing, promoting growth, protection against negative energies, transmuting negative energies, cleansing, enfolding someone or something in love, the list goes on and on.


Before we make any effort to use spiritual energy, we should be properly cleansed. This is really a very large subject and there are a great many ways of going about it. Before I get into any of the methods of cleansing, I want to define what cleansing is and explain the need for it.

There are essentially two types of cleansing, personal cleansing and environment cleansing. We will discuss personal cleansing first as that is where it all starts. So the following remarks will all refer to personal cleansing until we start to discus environment cleansing. Basically, cleansing refers to smoothing your personal energy and removing any negative energies from it. Now what do I mean by that? Well, each of us has an energy pattern, many know this by its Greek name, “aura.” For all practical purposes, we can think of this as the energy of our soul. And that energy can be controlled and modified by our thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical actions. It can also be effected by the energies of others around us and by the energies in our environment.

How are our energies effected? Well, if we are cheerful, positive in our thoughts and actions, our aura will tend to be bright and clear. But if we are angry, depressed, despondent, fearful, envious, or any other negative emotion, if we are thinking negative thoughts, or partaking in some negative activity, or are even physically ill, then our aura, or energy will not be “clean.”

We can be in such a state that our aura is nice and clean, and someone else can come close to us, and if their aura is “dirty,” then their bad energies can rub off on us and make parts of our aura negative. Even if we walk into an empty room, and that room is filled with bad “vibes,” that can also effect our aura.

So we would want to cleanse our aura before we attempt any spirit contact. Why would we want to do this? As I said before, Spirit Guides are very positive spirits. And in order for you to communicate with them, your personal energies also need to be positive. If your energies are not positive, you will not be able to establish communications with them. But it would be fairly easy to establish communications with entities that are themselves not positive. And you really do not want to do that. That can cause you many problems that you don’t want to have to deal with. And there is another factor that plays a major role. If our energies are negative, we will not be achieving spiritual growth and moving toward enlightenment. Only by keeping our own energies high will we continue to move forward on the path to enlightenment.

There are many ways to go about personal cleansing, many different people have various methods. Some use sea salt, or salt water or holy water, or bells or crystals, or smudge sticks, even music or a ritual bath. But all of these methods require the use of tools of some sort. The methods that I am going to explain to you also require tools, but you were born with the tools that you will need using these methods. And these methods are much faster than others. Cleansing and how is a personal choice.

I am going to describe two methods of personal cleansing, a method of environmental cleansing and then two methods of raising your own personal energies and making them more positive. I will start with the simplest and easiest method first, and then describe a more advanced method.

Before I can describe the first method, I do need to introduce a metaphysical concept. I am going to be using the term Christ Spirit 1 . As used in this context, this has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity or any other religion. Rather it refers to that part of each individual which many people call “the higher self.” The word “christ” comes from the Greek “christos” and simply means “anointed.” So the Christ Spirit is that higher part of you which is anointed. Now that we have that out of the way...

Start off by rubbing your hands briskly together. You may very well feel a warmth or tingling sensation in them. This is normal. Now say the words, either aloud or in thought (aloud works best) “In the name of the Christ Spirit, I cleanse my body.” Then starting with your head and working your way to your feet, rub your hands over yourself, just as if you were brushing dust off of yourself.

Then say, “In the name of the Christ Spirit, I cleanse my soul.” Again go through the dust brushing, only this time brush off a surface about an inch or two away from your body. One more, say, “In the name of the Christ Spirit, I cleanse my body and soul.” Again brush off that surface an inch or two from your body. By this time, you should be experiencing a sensation of chills, or goose bumps, or a warmth, or a tingling. Whatever the sensation is, it should feel good and is simply an indication that you are cleansed.

The above method is very easy to learn and use, but you would probably want a little privacy as you use it. It is the first method that I learned, and the first method that many others have learned as well. This next method is a more advanced method, and can be used anywhere, at any time, even in the midst of a crowd, and only a really psychic person who was looking for it would notice it.

First off, visualize (if you have problems visualizing, then just imagine, it will still work) a helix ( a coil spring) of golden light above your head. It should be large enough for your body to fit inside of it. Visualize it rotating, clockwise as viewed from the top. Now use the same affirmations as you used in the previous method. That is, start with the affirmation that you are cleansing your body. Then let the helix lower to your feet and then raise back up to above your head. Lower and raise the helix with each of the three affirmations. And understand that as the rotating helix is lowered and raised, that it is removing any negative energies from your energy pattern and smoothing it out. Again, you should experience the sensations of being cleansed. Chills or goose bumps are the most common.

OK, you have yourself properly cleansed, but if the room that you are in is filled with negative energies, that will do two things than can hinder your efforts. First of all, your Spirit Guides will be reluctant to enter such an area. But much worse is that such an area will tend to attract those spirits that you do not want around you. So the next step is to cleanse the area.

Just as with personal cleansing, many people have various methods that they use to cleanse their environment. And their methods do work, for the most part they are basically extensions of what they use to cleanse themselves. If you wish to use those methods, fine. But the methods that I will describe here do not require external tools or props and are also much faster than other methods.

You can visualize (or imagine) the Christ Spirit as being either a beautiful entity, or simply as a large ball of brilliantly glowing white or silver light, above your head. Now visualize a beam of white light coming down from the Christ Spirit and entering the top of your head. Let that white light completely fill your body so full that you cannot contain any more of it. Continue to bring it down and let it spread out from your body in all directions until the room is filled with it. If you wish, you can let it spread out through the walls and fill your entire home, and even surround your home. This is in fact a very good idea. Once you have accomplished this step, the area in which you are will be filled with a very positive energy. This will tend to keep negative entities away, as they will find it to be uncomfortable.

It is possible for it to happen that you will have an area, or spot or object in the room that is intensely negative, and the method that you just used will not get rid of it. In this case, you can add a little something to what you have just done. Proceed just as you have just done, except instead of a white light, use a violet one. This is a transmuting energy, and if you can picture it as violet flames, it will become even more effective. It will transmute all negative energies into positive ones, which is what you want.

So much for cleansing. Now lets talk about a couple of ways to raise your own personal energies. Remember that I talked briefly about the Christ Spirit. You can picture this as either a beautiful entity surrounded by white light, or simply as a large glowing ball of white light, physically over your head. Either will work. Now affirm three to five times (or as many as you need), “I am one with the Christ Spirit, the Christ Spirit and I are one.” As you do this, picture yourself rising up while the Christ Spirit lowers down, and the two bodies merging into one. You will know when you have successfully accomplished this by the feeling of chills or goose bumps.

Now you may want your energies to go even higher, so I am going to introduce another metaphysical concept here. We need to talk about the I AM Presence 2 . This is really nothing mysterious, it is simply the highest part of you. In metaphysics, they say that each human has seven different bodies. The one that you are most familiar with is the physical body. Many people also talk about your higher self. They are actually referring to the Christ Spirit. But what most people do not know is that there is an even higher self than the Christ Spirit. And that is the I AM Presence. You can think of this as your own personal creator. This is NOT THE Creator. It was actually created by that ultimate Creator. Many think of it as their own Father/Mother God, and it is divine. It is a spark of THE Creator.

OK, metaphysics out of the way for a while. Now to get your energies to soar through the roof, first use the affirmation that I just explained. When you feel that you have successfully accomplished that, then intone much as if you were intoning an “AUM,” “I am that I AM.” Do this several times. You may want to visualize yourself rising up toward that I AM Presence, which you may picture either as a very beautiful entity surrounded by golden light, or as a large, brilliantly glowing ball of golden light.


Normally, when using spiritual energy other than on yourself, it is projected through the hands. And this is where most beginners get into trouble. Most beginners will project their own energy. This can very quickly drain them, leaving them feeling exhausted. It can take them as much as two to three days to recover. So how do we overcome this problem? It is really very simple, but very important. Never project your own energy!! Several times I have had to come to the aid of beginners who had drained themselves during healings.

If we are not to project our own energy, then where are we to get the energy to project? Well, it is all around us and there are many ways to get it. I will describe some of the most common here.

Roots: Imagine that there are roots growing from your feet like the roots of a large tree, they go deep and spread out. Just as the roots of a tree take up water and dissolved minerals from the earth, your roots will be gathering spiritual energy. Intend for them to do that. Feel the energy flowing up those roots and into your body. Feel the energy flowing through your body and out through your hands. Don’t try to hoard it or store it in your body!! Just let it flow on through.

Sails: Imagine that you have an extra pair of long arms with

hands like large sails. Stretch those sails into the air and spread them wide. Just as the sails of a ship catch the wind, your sails will catch spiritual energies. Intend for them to do that. Feel the energy flowing through those arms and into your body. Feel the energy flowing through your body and out through your hands. Don’t try to hoard it or store it in your body!! Just let it flow on through.

Suck It In: Become aware of the energy all around you and just adsorb it. Unless you are really good at it this method does not furnish as strong of a flow as some of the other methods.

Tune In: My personal favorite. Turn your attention to the godhead and bring the required energy in from there. To me, this method tends to produce the strongest flows of energy.

Your thoughts and will can control the energy that you are using. With that in mind, here us a little game that I have seen many young people enjoy. Using your choice of one if the methods above, draw in some energy. Holding your hands 12-18 inches (30-45 CM) apart, project the energy from each hand toward the other hand. Now visualize that energy as forming a ball. Will it to form a ball. If you have trouble visualizing, just imagine it, that will still work. Once you have formed that ball, you can play with it, passing it from hand to hand. Or if you have a partner available you can play catch with them, using the ball. This will give you practice using and manipulating energy.

I suggest that you simply play with the energy for a while before you go any further. This will give you a familiarity with it and some practice using it. Once you have become accustomed to the energy, you can move on to more practical uses.

One of the most popular uses of energy is healing. This is where specific energies are sent to someone who has been injured or is ill or has some physical problem. I have seen seeming miracles occur through spiritual healing. How do we go about it? I thought that you would never ask. First of all, never do any healing on someone without their permission!! Their condition may be necessary for some lesson that they are trying to learn, or to pay off some karma. By healing them without permission, you will be canceling what they are trying to do and you could earn some major karma yourself. (If they are less than 14 years old, get permission from their parents/guardians) All right, warnings out of the way, use one of the methods described above to access energy. Send that to them as white light. We will get into more detailed methods later. What if the person is unconscious and can neither give nor deny permission? In that case, send it to their higher self with the stipulation that if they cannot use it, it will go to the next person in line that can use it.

Before we go any further, we need to have some understanding of the different spiritual energies that are available, and how they relate. Each energy has a color, and those colors identify them and their meaning/use. Below I list several of the different colors and their meanings:

White or silver: the christ energy. Purity. Unusual in humans.

Gold: Divine Love. Very unusual in humans.

Yellow: Intellect. Someone is being cerebral. Depending on the shade, will tell you the type of intellect. If someone is thinking, say of some mathematical problem, or philosophical concept or ethics, it will be a pale yellow. If they are thinking of some way to con others out of their money, it will be a dark yellow.

Pink: Love on a human level.

Light red: Dynamic energy, ready to go to work.

Dark red: Could be lust.

Brown: Earthiness

Blue: Peaceful energy, power

Pale green: Healing

Dark green: Growth

Gray: Generally a negative color. Someone might just be in a negative mood, or it can also be found if they are sick or injured.

Black: Run away. Very negative, evil. Black with streaks of dark red usually mean anger and hatred.

Orange: Self respect

Violet: A cleansing or transmuting energy, Violet will turn negative energies into positive ones.

Purple: Devotion, generally to another person.

As you work with spiritual energies, you will probably find that the white light will be the one that you will use the most. It is a very adaptable energy, and very positive. There are many more colors of energy, but I have listed the ones that you are most likely to run into. In most cases, if you don’t know what color energy to use, white light is what you should use.

I have mentioned projecting energy. How do you project energy? It is really very simple. First, rub your hands briskly together to clear them, then use one of the methods described above to access a flow of energy. As soon as the flow starts, you want to start projecting it, don’t wait to store up a supply!! When the energy flow starts, will it to flow down your arms to your hands and out through the palms of your hands. It will follow your will. Feel the energy flowing. Know that because you have willed it that it is happening. If you have your hands open wide, the energy will tend to fan out a bit, but if you curl your fingers somewhat, the energy will be more focused into a beam. Both ways have their uses. Point the palms of your hands towards where you want the energy to go.

Another popular use of energy is environmental cleansing. Just as with personal cleansing, many people have various methods that they use to cleanse their environment. And their methods do work, for the most part they are basically extensions of what they use to cleanse themselves. If you wish to use those methods, fine. But the methods that I will describe here do not require external tools or props and are also much faster than other methods.

You can visualize (or imagine) the Christ Spirit as being either a beautiful entity, or simply as a large ball of brilliantly glowing white or silver light, above your head. Now visualize a beam of white light coming down from the Christ Spirit and entering the top of your head. Let that white light completely fill your body so full that you cannot contain any more of it. Continue to bring it down and let it spread out from your body in all directions until the room is filled with it. If you wish, you can let it spread out through the walls and fill your entire home, and even surround your home. This is in fact a very good idea. Once you have accomplished this step, the area in which you are will be filled with a very positive energy. This will tend to keep negative entities away, as they will find it to be uncomfortable.

It is possible for it to happen that you will have an area, or spot or object in the room that is intensely negative, and the method that you just used will not get rid of it. In this case, you can add a little something to what you have just done. Proceed just as you have just done, except instead of a white light, use a violet one. This is a transmuting energy, and if you can picture it as violet flames, it will become even more effective. It will transmute all negative energies into positive ones, which is what you want. So, white light first, then violet.

If you want to cleanse a larger area, say the block on which you live, or even your city, here is an easy and effective way to do it. Visualize a white tornado composed of white light. Visualize it sweeping back and forth over the area that you want to cleanse. As it passes over the area, it will sweep up all negative energies and carry them up into a violet cloud where they will be transmuted into positive energies and allowed to rain back down onto the ground.

An important note here. Never attempt to cleanse another individual without their permission, and never cleanse the home of someone else without their permission!!

There are many other things that you can do with energy. For instance, you could enfold someone in Divine Love. Or you could send them energizing energy if they are drained, or calming energy. Any time that you decide to send energy to someone else, for any reason, either get their permission first or if that is not possible, then send it to their higher self with the stipulation that if it is not acceptable to them or to their higher self that the energy will go to the next person in line that can use it. This is very important.

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