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Joyce Chandler


I am going to be doing something a little different in this presentation. I am going to be including some quotes that have been given to me.

Merriam Webster online has 67 entries for light, some of them quite lengthy, so I will seriously abridge here. The fact that there are so many should give you some idea of how important the concept of Light is in our lives. The first of Webster’s entries defines light as being an electromagnetic radiation ranging from infrared to ultraviolet. The fifth entry is: “a: spiritual illumination b: inner light c: enlightenment d: truth”

Lets talk about the first entry to begin with. If we think of light as being an electromagnetic radiation, then we are thinking of the physical aspect of light. And it is extremely important to us in the physical. Not only does it allow us to see our surroundings, but it actually powers all physical life on the planet. Now I know that someone is going to be thinking of some creatures that live in the ocean depths where no visible light reaches. But even they depend upon food that settles down from the upper reaches AND are dependent upon the water in which they live to remain at the proper temperature. Heat actually belongs in the infrared region of light. And on the surface of the planet, light powers the photosynthesis that allows plants to make the food that all life depends on. We could go on and on here and actually devote this entire presentation to the purely physical aspect of light, but that is not really the prime focus here. So let us move on.

Now here is where I have seen some people have a problem. Spiritual Light is not the same thing as physical light. I have seen some who when told to use White Light would get all hung up because they could not see it. And yet it can be seen if we use our psychic senses. Spiritual Light is a different form of energy than physical light. Let me see if I can make an analogy here. Sound is a physical energy, a vibration on a mechanical level and generally considered to have an oscillation rate of 16 to 20,000 vibrations or oscillations per second. Ultrasound is the same type of physical vibration but of a higher rate than audible sound. Some animals can hear sound vibrations lower than 16 hertz or vibrations per second and some can hear sound vibrations above 20,000 hertz. But our ears are not designed for that. Now electromagnetic radiation is a different type of energy altogether. And its frequency, or rate of vibration has a much greater range than the mechanical vibration of sound. It can go from some point just over steady state up into numbers that the human mind really cannot grasp. It includes such things as radio and TV, radar, radiated heat energy (infrared), visible light, ultra violet, X-rays and cosmic rays. Your microwave oven uses electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy is of an electrical and of a magnetic nature and although it can cause physical motions on a mechanical level, it is more related to the electrons in the individual atoms that make up the physical world. And although sound has to have a physical media to travel through, electromagnetic energy can travel through a vacuum where there is no physical media. Sound travels at a speed of about 600 miles per hour. Electromagnetic energy travels at about 186,236 miles per SECOND.

Now just as electromagnetic energy may be thought of as a higher form of energy than sound, so may spiritual energy be thought of as a higher form of energy than electromagnetic energy. And Spiritual Light is a spiritual energy. And as far as I have been able to determine, its transmission is instantaneous.

Just as physical or electromagnetic light comes in various colors, so does spiritual light. And each color of spiritual light seems to have a different use or effect.

If we are going to speak of light, we also need to mention darkness. On the physical level, darkness is nothing more than the absence of light. But on the spiritual plane, there are dark energies, and some find these dark energies appealing. All Light is a form of spiritual energy, and we are all capable of using spiritual energies to some degree or other. The fact is that every living thing uses spiritual energy in some form without even knowing it. Life force is a spiritual energy. It has been said the even physical matter is nothing more than condensed light.

An ameba uses life force or spiritual energy but is not consciously aware of it. But we, as conscious, thinking beings can consciously use Light. Our use of Light, or spiritual energies does give us a certain amount of power, the power to heal, the power to cleanse away negative energies, the power to enfold someone or something in love, etc.

I mentioned that some found the dark energies to be appealing. Now why would that be true? For several reasons. First of all, some people simply crave power, by that I mean power over others. And those dark energies will grant them that. Secondly, the dark energies are much easier to master than are the Light energies. Anyone can muster up hatred or anger. And that sort of thing is what is required to use the dark energies. But to master the Light energies requires Love. And many find it difficult to do that. The more that you can Love, the more that you can keep your own energies very positive, the more that you will be able to use Light. And it is harder to keep yourself very positive and loving than it is to give in to anger, hatred, envy, jealousy, and all of the other negative energies. For this reason many who crave power find it much easier to turn to the dark energies than to go for the Light. Sad but true.

We are all beings of Light. Each and every one of us has a light, with some it is hardly more than a candle flickering in the darkness. With others it is like a million candlepower searchlight, and there is everything in-between. But each of us can increase the intensity of our Light, simply by becoming more and more positive, more loving.

The Light that each of us gives off interacts with the Light of others, effecting their Lights. This is easy enough to understand, surely you have been around others that just made you feel good just to be in their presence, and you have been around others that made you feel depressed, or tired or in some other way less positive simply because they were around you. In the first case, your own Light was being intensified by being in the field of a bright Light, and in the second case, your Light was being drained. There are some that want that Light, but don’t know how to get it on their own, and so they drain it from others. They are sometimes referred to as psychic vampires.

The Light that each of us has, that each of us shines out upon the world, actually comes to us from the Source, however you think of it. The universe is filled with it and it is readily available to all of us. It is simply up to us to tap into it and let it shine forth from us. The amount of that Light that each of us can shine is directly dependent upon our ability to be positive, loving individuals. The more positive and loving that we can be, the more of that Light that we will channel through us, and the brighter our own Light will be.

Joyce Chandler

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