About 1838 a new spiritual movement was started, it was eventually called New Thought, Several Christian religions are based on New Thought, religions such as Unity and Christian Science. In the 1960's another movement, New Age came along. Both of these movements brought about many, at the time, radical ideas. Today much of what they taught is accepted by a great many people. Even many of those in the old conventional religions accept many of the New Thought and New Age ideas. But things never remain static. Earth and its population are evolving and new ideas, concepts and inspirations are being introduced all of the time. And the pace is accelerating. Another such movement is now upon us. Ascension Path is the newest. Ascension Path will be hard to define at this time simply because it is so new. But I have talked to a large number of people who are on the Ascension Path without being aware of it. In fact it was only a few hours ago as I write this that Spirit revealed just what it was to me. A coworker had mentioned New Age to me and I said that I really was not a New Ager any more, that I had moved beyond that and that I did not know what to call it. She agreed with me that she felt the same way. One of us mentioned that we needed a name for it and suddenly the term Ascension Path came to me along with lots of good fuzzies from Spirit.
How can you know if you are on the Ascension Path? Well there are a lot of clues. First, you will have felt very uncomfortable with the religion that you were raised with. You will have found it to be inconsistent and binding. You may have turned to New Age for a time, but in time found some of their ideas to be lacking in the ring of truth, you may even have found some of them to be childish. And also found it to be unfulfiling. You will find yourself seeking truth and enlightenment. You may even experience frustration at not being able to find exactly what you are searching for. You will probably find that is quite easy to give love to all, even those self righteous individuals who try to convince you that you are going to hell because you don’t believe the way that they do, or accuse you of worshiping Satan.
The Ascension Path brings with it a sense of inner peace and abolishes hatred. And the Ascension Path is exactly what its name implies, a path leading to Ascension. Not necessarily in this lifetime, but it may. And if not in this lifetime, certainly in a very near future lifetime. The Ascension Path raises your own personal spiritual energies to a higher level and makes you more aware of the presence of Spirit all around you.
The Ascension Path allows you to accept the beliefs of others as right for them even if they seem very short sighted and even stupid. You do not judge them.
You come to the understanding that any form of divination that uses tools (tarot, scrying mirrors, crystal balls, etc.) are only complicating things, there is no magic in the tools, other than a point of focus for the user, it is all in the person doing the divination. And any magic that uses tools (alters, athames, chalices, crystals, etc.) also is complicating things, there is no magic in those tools other than ways for the user to focus their own energies. The magic is in the user.
You understand that all is spirit, and that even you are simply a spirit that happens to be inhabiting a physical body for a time.
Joyce Chandler