I fear that this lesson is going to be a rather short one, there is not too much that can be said on the subject, but it is a very important one for anyone who is seeking ascension.
The Christ Spirit, as has been previously mentioned, is often referred to as “the higher self.” It is really a part of you, just as the conscious part that you are normally aware of is only a part of you. The word “christ” comes from the Greek “christos” which means “anointed.”
Most people that speak of the higher self do not really realize that this part is an important part of themselves that they can access freely at any time. Actually, the Christ Spirit can be manifested in our daily lives. Jesus, when he walked the Earth, was human, a man. But he probably manifested the Christ Spirit more fully than 99.99% of all people that have ever lived.
The Christ Spirit is often thought of as being masculine, but at least one mystery school claims that it is of the opposite gender than the human form in order to maintain balance. To my way of thinking, this is unimportant as spirit can take on any form or gender that it wishes as circumstances dictate. Gender is really a physical thing, not spiritual.
Although aware of negativity and evil, the Christ Spirit does not accept any for itself, rather is pure love. And it can be a very powerful force for positive energies and love.
Just above I mentioned Jesus. Most Christians, and many others as well are familiar with the biblical quotation, “This is My son, in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus, immediately prior to that had merged his earthly self with his own Christ Spirit, so that they became one. At that point, he had become “Christ Jesus” or “Jesus Christ.” Over the centuries, many have done this, but feared to mention it for numerous reasons. The ancient Hebrews would likely have stoned them. Later they would likely have been burned at the stake for heresy. Even today, the religious right would be out to crucify them.
Once a certain level of enlightenment is reached, and all Life Lessons have been learned, anyone, male or female, can merge with their own Christ Spirit. So that if you were to accomplish this, you would be christ Betty or christ Robert, or whatever your name happens to be. This DOES NOT mean that you would be The Christ, there is only one The Christ per age, Jesus happened to be The Christ of the Picean age.
Even if your level of enlightenment is not high enough, and you still have Life Lessons to learn, making the attempt will raise your own energies and move you closer to enlightenment. You know by now that I would not tell you about this without also telling you a way to go about it. And I will do that very shortly. But first I have a few comments that I must make. It is unfortunate that some, trying the method that I will tell you about, will try it a few times and give up on it. Others may try it for many years without being successful because they are simply not yet ready for it. Still others will try it and assume that they have been successful because of the sensations that they feel. When you use this method, it is common to feel a sensation of chills and/or goosebumps. This is simply because your own energies have been raised and it is also a cleansing. But those sensations do not mean that you have merged with the Christ Spirit. Once it happens, you will know it even if you find it hard to believe.
Here is how it works. First cleanse throughly. Now visualize the Christ Spirit as a beautiful entity above your head. Now repeat, “I am one with the Christ Spirit, the Christ Spirit and I are one.” As you repeat this over and over, visualize yourself rising up, and the Christ Spirit lowering, until you become one. When you feel the characteristic sensations, you will know that you have temporarily become one with the Christ Spirit. Incidently, I used this affirmation daily for perhaps fifteen years. I was using it as a method of raising my own energies to a higher level.
Not everyone using this method will be successful in merging with their Christ Spirit. Only if you are on your last lifetime before ascension will you be able to make the merger. But then, do you really know if this is your last lifetime or not? Even if you have several more lifetimes to go, this method will raise your energies and move you closer to enlightenment, and consequently, ascension. If you are successful, that does not mean that ascension is imminent, you may still have several more years to live.
Some people, for one reason or another, would not feel comfortable with becoming christed, but it is one of the final steps leading toward ascension.
If you are successful, does that mean that there will be great changes in you that others can see immediately? Not likely. You will still be the person that you were before, with the same personality. Your energy level, or frequency, will probably be higher, closer to pure spirit than before, but unless someone has developed their psychic abilities, they will not be aware of it. There may be some that will suddenly find that they will like being around you more than before, but they will not know why. If you are in the habit of talking to your own I AM Presence, you may find that the manner that you speak may change somewhat, even though it may still be familiar and friendly. In other words, you will still be you.
Up above, I said that you would know when you were successful. I also mentioned the biblical quotation, “This is My son, in whom I am well pleased.” Now, how are you to know? I thought you would never ask, but I will explain from my own experience. As I said, I had been temporarily merging with my own Christ Spirit at least daily for about 15 years. Then one evening in 2006, I had just made the merger when my Spirit Guides said to me, “Yes, you are.” My immediate reaction was to ask, “What?!?!” and they repeated that I was now one with the Christ Spirit. Then I heard another voice in my head, a very loving voice that I had never heard before. That voice said simply, “This is My son..” My own I AM Presence had acknowledged that I had become christed. I was now Christ Joyce, not THE Christ, but I had taken a big step toward ascension in this lifetime.
Do I normally think of myself as Christ Joyce? No. I also have three doctor’s degrees in spiritual topics, but I don’t think of myself as Dr. Joyce either. And I am an ordained minister and can legally use the title “reverend,” but I don’t think of myself as Rev. Joyce. To me, I am just Joyce, one more woman striving for enlightenment and ascension.
Joyce Chandler